
The primary focus is the seven county metropolitan area of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, but any fellow CO is welcome to post.

The reason this blog exists is an attempt to unify the pay, benefits and working conditions of all Metro-Area CO's.

This blog is not designed to be a bully pulpit for any one organized labor group, but rather a place for all of us who are united in the same field.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ind. CO rushed to hospital after inmate attack on Christmas

FORT WAYNE, Ind. — According to court documents, Officer Greer was collecting food trays from a cellbock where violent offenders are housed Wednesday morning, when Boykins struck Greer with a tray from his blind side.
The officer fell to the floor, then Boykins allegedly punched him at least 15 times with his closed fist, before striking him in the head one more time with a tray.

No other profession faces this reality daily!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Teamsters and Senator Hayden working to weaken correctional pension

This speech was given by Mn DFL Sate Senator Hayden at the Teamsters Local 320 Christmas Party.

Hayden addressed his bill S.F. 998—the bill to expand the PERA Correctional Pension coverage to include 911 Operators/Dispatchers, Probation Officers and Hennepin County Security Officers.

“I have one particular issue regarding pensions,” said Hayden. “For those of you who are working county security and 911 and some of you who are probation officers, I know your jobs are tough. Some of those jobs are particularly stressful. You work with people who are in crisis or people that are the most dangerous in our society. Those jobs have a way of grinding people down, almost the same way as if you’re in a combat zone. I can’t make any guarantees, but Ed Reynoso (Teamsters Joint Council 32 DRIVE Political Director) and I are going to work very closely to make sure those jobs are looked upon as other jobs in corrections.” 

As mentioned in our previous post:

Pension Commission Considers Bill to Expand Correctional Plan

Traditionally, membership in the Correctional Plan or the PERA Police and Fire Plan (PERA P&F) is limited to individuals with jobs that expose them to increased risk of physical injury and death. 

This bill would add non-essential security guards and probation officers. If enacted this would demean the very reason our pension exists. It was never meant to be a "I want to retire at 55 because I'm stressed out pension," but a, "We need to retire early before we are killed or seriously injured pension."

Monday, December 9, 2013

Another reason to leave Corrections to Correctional Officers, not cops?

More than a dozen current and former "sworn officers" from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department are expected to be arrested as part of a wide-ranging investigation into allegations of abuse and misconduct inside the county's jails, according to sources familiar with the arrests. At least three people — including a lieutenant, a sergeant and a deputy — were taken into custody by FBI agents as part of a federal obstruction of justice probe into how sheriff's officials handled an FBI informant at the center of the jail investigation, one source familiar with the probe said.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Watch that contraband!

Lawyer: Suspect in California homeless slayings died after ingesting cleaning product Ajax

SANTA ANA, Calif. — A California man who was awaiting trial on murder charges in the deaths of six people, including four homeless men, died after ingesting Ajax in his jail cell, his lawyer said Friday.
Itzcoatl (ihts-KWAH'-tehl) Ocampo, 25, apparently accumulated the cleaning product over time while in custody, said his attorney, Michael Molfetta, who was briefed on the death. The incident raises serious questions about how well Orange County jail deputies were supervising Ocampo, who had mental health issues, Molfetta said.